Soya beans

Soya beans

  • Description

SOYBEAN is a legume that contains an important percentage of high quality proteins (in 100 grams of soya, 40 to 50% is protein). It also contains minerals (calcium and phosphorus) and vitamins of the "B" group.
The composition of the grain is, on average, 36.5% protein; 20% lipids; 30% carbohydrates; 9% dietary fibre; 8.5% water; and 5% ash.
Classification of grains
1. starchy: grains containing many complex carbohydrates, mainly starch, e.g. rice, maize, wheat, oats.
2. Protein: those rich in protein, such as soya, lentils, beans.
3. Oleaginous: they contain a large amount of lipids and are therefore a good source of oils.

Soya is cultivated on all continents, in countries with temperate to tropical climates. Temperature and day length are important factors in controlling the development of these crops.
They are sown at 32 cm spacing between each furrow as opposed to 52 cm spacing for a first planting date soybean crop. Harvesting of the second planting date soybeans occurs almost simultaneously with the harvesting of the first planting date soybeans.

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